Experts in Manufacturing Cyber Security 

As specialist security experts operating across the manufacturing sector in the UK and Internationally the team at PureCyber understand the specific cyber requirements and complexities of manufacturing companies.

Trusted by Small to Enterprise sized manufacturers, operating in the UK and globally, PureCyber are your critical partner when building a robust and resilient organisation.

The Cost of an Attack v Pro-Active Defence

A cyber attack on a manufacturer can cause significant disruption and damage across various aspects of the business:

Production Downtime and Operational Disruption

A cyber attack can halt production lines by disrupting manufacturing processes, leading to significant downtime. This can cause delays in fulfilling orders, significant loss of revenue, damage to reputation and customer relationships.

Theft or Corruption of Intellectual Property

Manufacturers often rely on proprietary designs, trade secrets, and specialised technologies. A cyber-attack could lead to the theft or corruption of this intellectual property, resulting in competitive disadvantages, loss of innovation, and potential legal consequences.

Supply Chain Disruptions

Cyber-attacks can compromise supply chain management systems, affecting the flow of materials and components, financial transactions, data loss, logistic disruption. This can lead to delays, increased costs, fines and challenges in maintaining production schedules, especially if just-in-time inventory practices are used.

Data Breaches and Loss of Sensitive Information

Manufacturing companies store sensitive data such as IP, customer information, supplier details, financial information and employee records. A cyber-attack can result in data breaches, leading to legal liabilities, regulatory penalties, and loss of trust among customers and partners.

Financial Losses and Reputational Damage

The direct financial impact of a cyber-attack includes the cost of costs related to production downtime, incident response, system recovery, and potential ransom demands. Additionally, the long-term reputational damage can lead to loss of business, decreased customer confidence, and challenges in securing future contracts and insurance.

Why PureCyber?

  • Specialised Expertise: Our team specialises in the unique cybersecurity needs of manufacturers and the complexities of advanced operating systems, combined with legacy systems, supply chain management and regulation compliance can bring.

  • Team Approach: Acting as an extension of your internal (or outsourced) IT capabilities, we truly understand the challenges you face and have the knowledge to implement tailored solutions that address your specific requirements.

  • Unique Single Vendor Service Solution: Remove the complexity and resource intensity of managing multiple vendors through our unique subscription packages which offer a unique mix of services, designed to provide the layers of security you need to give you a clear single pane view of your security.

  • Proven Track Record: With a proven track record of success, we support a large number of manufacturing organisations to strengthen their cyber defences and mitigate potential threats. For security reasons we don’t publicly disclose our clients but references and introductions to current clients can be provided.

  • Global Reach: Whilst our roots are in the UK, our reach extends far beyond. We work with manufacturing organisations around the world, providing cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions that transcend borders and support export and internation production and distribution.

  • Mapped to Minimum Cyber Insurance Standards: All our subscriptions meet and exceed the minimum insurance standards required by underwriters to ensure you have access to all layers of cyber security protection your business needs. 

Book Your Free Consultancy Call Today

Book an initial consultancy call with our experts today. During this call, we'll discuss your unique challenges and objectives, and outline how PureCyber can help safeguard your organisation.

For further information, see our resources including our articles on Safeguarding The Supply Chain and Rising Cyber Risks In Manufacturing.